Easy Python Patterns: The Memento pattern, or how to build an undo stack
Introduction You can use the memento pattern to (partially) expose the internal state of an object. One use...

Easy Python Patterns: The Iterator
Introduction In Design Patterns, the Iterator is a way of traversing over a container, that is access each...

Easy Patterns in Python: The Flyweight Pattern
Introduction The flyweight pattern is a pattern that helps minimize memory usage by sharing and reusing data. A...

Easy Patterns in Python: The Interpreter
Introduction The Interpreter pattern can be used to interpret and evaluate sentences in a language. The idea is...

Easy Patterns in Python: the Facade
Introduction The facade pattern is used as a way to hide more complex logic. A facade can do...

Easy Types and Generics in Python: the Prototype Pattern
Introduction The prototype-pattern is a creational design pattern that allows us to create new objects by cloning existing...

Easy Python Patterns: The decorator pattern
Introduction The Decorator pattern can be used to dynamically alter or add functionality to existing classes. This pattern...

Python patterns for fun and profit: The Adapter Pattern
Introduction The Adapter pattern is used to make one interface compatible with another. It allows objects with different,...

Using Python types for fun and profit: the Visitor Pattern
Introduction The visitor pattern is a design pattern that allows for adding new operations to a collection of...

Using Python types for fun and profit: the Mediator pattern
Introduction The mediator pattern is a pattern used when you want to simplify communication i.e. message dispatching in...